Pradnya Darpan – B.Arch. – Semester 4


B.Arch - 2nd Year (Semester 4)

Architectural Design

Gradually, various facets of architectural designing are introduced in Studio work. Integration of information from other Subjects into designing process is further developed. Actual Site challenges and designing to overcome them is one of the focuses. Sloping site considerations and close association between the features of site and the Building on it are explained to students.

How to design on a slope so as to achieve site – building symbiosis was the main focus of this design project – ‘The Spiritual Centre’. Apart from the challenges of a sloping site, students also studied the climate of the site and came up with solutions for it in their designing. They worked out interesting forms for their buildings through creative exercises. Material exploration was given due importance. Designing the Spiritual Centre on a sloping site, gave the students an opportunity, to explore the 3D form of building with respect to a contoured site.

Pranali Gabhane

Ankita Jamgade

Tanvi Charde

‘Learning By Doing’ was the prime objective of this project. Students designed sculptures out of metal scrap. They then themselves created these sculptures. This gave them first hand opportunity at material exploration. Students explored different technicalities involved in creating and installing the scrap sculptures – ‘The Scraptures’ and enjoyed the project thoroughly.


Photography is an integral part of this creative field. All architecture students can prosper by learning how to capture light and how light alters the visual impact of architectural forms. Guidance from teachers about the art and techniques of photography helped students to capture interesting images from nature, objects, and exterior facades & interiors in architecture.